Florida Bar
Santa Rosa


Criminal Law

When you or a loved one has been arrested, it is not just the immediate concerns of facing criminal charges you should think about. A criminal record can hound you for the rest of your life and make finding work, housing and obtaining loans a challenge. When facing criminal charges, you need an aggressive attorney who will fight hard for your rights and do their best to get the charges against you dropped or minimized.

Florida DUI Defense

When you are stopped for suspicion of DUI the first thing to do is make sure you don’t answer any questions you don’t have to answer. Anything you say during a stop may be used against you later. Remember, a first conviction on a DUI charge can result in jail time, your vehicle being impounded, steep fines and mandatory community service. We fight hard to question the legality of the stop, breathalyzer test results and we will do everything possible to protect your rights after your arrest. The sooner you call a Florida DUI lawyer, the better we can defend you.

Police Line Do Not Cross

Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings

Young people often bow to peer pressure and as a result they find themselves facing criminal charges like shoplifting, being in possession of alcohol or marijuana or other petty crimes. Fortunately, the Florida criminal system’s preferred goal is to rehabilitate rather than punish young people. However, you still need to ensure their rights are protected and that means hiring a criminal defense attorney who is familiar with juvenile delinquency proceedings in Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties. At John M. Kvartek, PLLC, we can help parents protect their children from an uncertain future when they have made a bad decision.

If you or your child is facing a criminal charge in the Pensacola area, contact John M. Kvartek, PLLC for legal help. We will work aggressively to protect your rights and help you through the criminal proceedings.

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